Saturday, October 16, 2010


It feels as if i could scream and scream and scream till my voice was long gone and no one would hear a single thing.Helpless.I feel helpless.Its that feeling when your dreaming and the person you love more than anything dosnt love you and you cry and cry and cry and you feel it even though your dreaming and it isnt real and you tell yourself it isnt real, you have to sit there and tell yourself it isnt real.And I wonder if im normal, I dont think the majority of people in modern society would think im normal.And I feel like physically grabbing passer bys and shaking them yelling WAKE UP! WAKE UP!I feel like I cant breath like im locked inside and I can see the light bulb on the ceiling but its far to high.I dont know what to do. I care too much and everyone seems to care too little.Its all because I cant do anything to save their lives and they die every minute of every day and Im screaming PLEASE WAKE UP!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Just a rant

It seems that every decision we make, even something as simple as what we choose to eat, has a increasingly higher impact on things we dont even stop to think of.Where we shop, what we buy carries a weight that no one seems to comprehend. When did we start eating food with ingredients we couldnt even pronounce?Why do we belive these things are good for us when the propoganda that says so Is funded by the very industry that produces it?When did we all become so gulible, the disconnect is infuriating. We give our babies sugar rich foods, fucking soda in a sippy cup. We've become so lazy that most people eat a few fast-food meals a week(even then how many of the other meals are really homemade and not over processed, nutrient lacking, prepackaged crap)Look at the American diet today compared to 50 years ago, look at over-all health of then and now. The saddest part is that people are throwing up their hands and saying oh well. Will they say oh well when they out live their children?Find a back bone, get off your ass, learn some simple facts about good nutrition.Do it for your family if not for yourself. When I see people going to burger king at 10:30 at night I cant help but think where did we go wrong, when did this become acceptable.

  I have been vegan for almost 2 months ( and this time im making sure I get all the things I need) and I have never felt healthier in my life, I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin.